Leave scars of Kindness

Kindness. A trait known by many yet seen in few. Albeit a quality which may take one through the gates of Jannah. This trait of kindness, to the most elevated degree is found in Allah when He admits His servants in to Paradise without reckoning.  This quality of kindness, which is also associated to mercy, is that quality which Allah loves ever so much.

Yet it is a quality which most of us lack, myself first and foremost. Sometimes we show kindness to others because we are looking at the benefit which we wish to achieve through doing so. Meanwhile, little do we look at how we can benefit another individual through this act of kindness.

When is kindness loved the most? When it is most difficult to practice. When is anything loved the most by Allah? When it is most difficult.

The greater the difficulty in doing something, the greater the reward. Because it requires a lot of strength, dedication and effort. And these are qualities which can not be exerted unless one well and truly wishes to do so.

Think about the number of people who have self harmed, because of one cruel word. Think of the number of people who have taken their own lives, because all they needed was one word of kindness to stop them from being pushed over the edge, yet they were denied this.

People deserve kindness. We may think some people don’t. Maybe sometimes we even think they deserve the exact opposite. But everyone deserves kindness. Isn’t Allah kind to you and I? Even though we disobey Him? Isn’t He gentle with us? Whilst we know we don’t deserve it?


So why can’t we be kind? Why can’t we make things easier for others? Show them a path towards the little joys of life?

In some cases the greatest of fears which consumes a person is that the utterance of the tongue will lead one towards Jahannam. Be it something as simple as a harsh word. But how often do we reflect over this?

It’s said that Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه would place a small pebble on his tongue, to help him avoid speaking unnecessarily, or to help him think twice before speaking. And then there’s us, who speak constantly, without giving any thought as to whether our speech is kind or cruel.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Verily, kindness is not found in anything except that it beautifies it, and it is not removed from anything except that it disgraces it.”


Let’s take a look at the story of Yusuf عليه السلام. After years of being detained in prison, he was finally set free. When brought before the King, the issue of him being imprisoned was brought up. He was utterly innocent. He deserved to be a free man from the very start. Yet when questioned about what had happened, he didn’t blame Zulaykha. He didn’t even bring up her name. Although it was her plan to have him imprisoned if he didn’t respond to her call of temptation, he didn’t point the finger of blame towards her. He portrayed kindness and subtlety. He displayed true prophethood.

And this was the very reason why after all these years, she regretted her doings. Over the years she grieved her actions, she lived with the guilt, she cried so much so that her eyes were blinded, and she grew old.

And when that day came, she admitted her wrongs, and proclaimed the innocence of Yusuf عليه السلام. Because he never once blamed her. Never once did he show animosity towards her. Instead he made dua for her, and some commentators say that it was due to this dua that her youth was restored once again.

Such kindness is portrayed in the story of Yusuf عليه السلام. Even when he met his brothers, years after they had left him in the well to die. The day came when he confronted them, and they feared that there would be rebuke. Yet he said “There is no reproach upon you today.” Meaning there will be no reproach today nor any day which follows.

Such was his kindness, his mercy.

And we fail to overlook the wrongs of others, the smallest of them all.

A lesson derived from the Quran is that Allah loves the good doers, those who swallow their anger. And the best of them? They are those who not only avoid reproach, but they forgive and with their forgiving nature, they do good to those who have harmed them.

SubhanAllah, may Allah make us amongst them. Aameen.

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